Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"The 12 Days of Christmas" - Ethan's version...

A couple of days ago I received a nice note from Ethan. Knowing that I would see this "To Mom" note first thing in the morning, he placed his neatly folded, beautifully handwritten, note in the spot where I eat breakfast. Carefully tearing the tape around this beautiful note (seriously thinking it would be another little love note or joke) I found myself reading a song - a song written by my lovely son, Ethan.

First get the 12 days of Christmas tune in your head ... got it? ok .. here we go.....

"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me.......
one Play station 3

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me......
two Play Station 3

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me.....
three Play Station 3"

(continue to 12 and you'll have the complete Ethan version of "The 12 Days of Christmas"....

Need I say more?? Do you think he wants a Play Station 3?? I loved the note and yes, I will save it forever but... I do have a view and opinion about those video games and such.

This is my view. My opinion ONLY. I am not telling anyone that they shouldn't have video games in their home, I am only expressing my opinion of video games.

A common topic that is discussed in an Autism parent support group is that of video games. It does amaze me that some parents seem to have no control of how much time their child spends playing video games. We have a rules in our home. If all chores, homework, and behavior goals have been met for the week, 45 minutes of computer or TV video game is allowed FOR THE WEEK. Now, let me elaborate on this a little more. We DO NOT own any type of Play Station, X Box, game boy, or for that matter any video game system that is over $20. We have games that plug into our TV and games that are on our computer that are age appropriate for the kids. We could never have a game/video system of that nature in our house. Ethan would be so obsessed and focused on video games that we would loose total control over him. I've heard some parents say "well, we use it for reward purposes like you" - the same parents that bring up the subject of over use/abuse of the video system by their child.

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I Love Life, I Love My Family, I Love Having FUN, I Love being ME! LIFE IS GOOD!!!