Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fancy Dinner ~ Funny Conversation

Happy Valentine's Day!

Each year it seems we (meaning the kids and I) spend Valentine's Day alone. LB seems to be the unfortunate one to have to work on Love Day. I try to come up with a little something special for the kids. Usually I prepare their favorite meal and we use our fancy china and have a candlelight dinner. Tonight, however, the kids asked for a heart shaped pizza.

We purchased our pizza from our favorite take out pizza shop. Once we were home, I thought it would be fun to have dinner in our p.j.'s. The kids thought this was really cool. I made my famous sparkling orange-pineapple punch. We then placed our fancy snack set china on the table as our dinnerware. We even had my dozen roses as our table center piece.

We had a wonderful dinner! We were only missing one thing..... ~ Daddy.

So to you Daddy, Happy Valentine's Day. We will have your favorite dinner tomorrow evening. We Love you lots!

As always, I'd like to share one more story:

Our conversation that we had while eating our "fancy dinner".

Ethan was talking about money for college and how it must cost more than $80 to go to college. Emery was talking about .... well, who knows... her mouth goes a mile a minute, interrupting everyone.
So it was during our college conversation that Ethan asked me if LB and I met in college. I explained to him that his Dad went to college long before I did (being as I am in college now). Ethan then asked me how LB and I met. I explained to him how I got sick and needed a prescription and went into the Pharmacy and that was where I met his Dad. "Oh yeah, you went in, saw Dad and really liked him, you two went on a date, had a fancy dinner, and Dad asked you to marry him". My reply was, (smiling & chuckling to myself) "Well, you were correct with most of the story, but your Dad and I dated for awhile before we got married".

After dinner, I was putting away the dishes and thinking about when I met LB. It was 14 years ago. It is a funny but long story that brought us together (maybe I'll post that later). Thinking about how we met and our blind date, brought back all those wonderful memories. It made me appreciate LB all the more. It made me want to call him at work and tell him how much I really Love Him. I missed him tonight (we missed him tonight) and wish he could have shared this precious time and conversation with us. I need to go and make a call to Cub....... :)


Butrfly Garden said...
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simplicity said...

The heart shaped pizza turned out so nice! Looks yummy~

Deb said...

Ohhhhh, what a nice way to spend the evening. Even without the man there. What great memories for the kids!! I guess he had better step it up so they remember him too. HAHAHA :)

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I Love Life, I Love My Family, I Love Having FUN, I Love being ME! LIFE IS GOOD!!!